Community Journal

…and in order to raise awareness of our experiences, encourage forgiveness and self-love, inspire hope,  increase vulnerability, and initiate the process of healing, we must commit to dig deep, open up, and share our stories.

We must share our stories to reduce the pain, trauma, shame and guilt, the embarrassment and mis- understanding not only for and within ourselves, but among one another. That is the core intention of our 'Community Journal.' Here, we'll curate short stories of how others have learned to overcome adversities related to mental health and addiction."

Ms. Marisha - Founder & Chief Experience Officer, ZENtertainment Enterprises


Do you have a mental health moment or life event that became one of your greatest teachers? Want to share those lessons of hope, strength, and new beginnings with the world?

Whatever it is, your story can make a difference and we want to hear from you.

The Ubuntu Project team will use this page to curate a Community Journal of short stories that highlight the mental health moments that changed your life as well as the tools and practices you've found (or are exploring) to help you navigate it all.


Use an artistic medium that suits you and your story (poem/song, dance, photography, painting, fashion, etc). There are two sets of prompts to choose from to help guide the creation of your artistic responses for your Community Journal entry:

  • Share Your Light Bulb Story: Can you recall how you heard the phrase and/or came to understand the term mental health?
  • School Us: In your own words, what is mental health and why does it matter?
  • Protect Your Treasure Chest: What are your essential SOULutions to protect your mental health? What tools and practices have been impactful for you?
  • Keepin’ It Real: Where are you in your journey (beginner, intermediate, advanced)? What challenges make your mental health practices hard to keep up with? How do you get back on track?
  • Words of Wisdom: Wherever you are in your journey right now, what advice would you give to someone else finding it hard to seek support? This could also be an encouraging affirmation or note to self moment.
  • Tell us a time when you experienced chaos, change or challenge - regardless of magnitude.
  • How did you grow through the experience or journey? Specifically think about your biggest internal and external obstacles.
  • What were some of your revelations that came from the experience?
  • What essential SOULutions - life skills, mindsets and tools - helped in your ability to consciously construct life reimagined?
  • What do you think others can learn from your story?
  • Why is this an important set of skills to have, perspective, or experiences for others to hear?

Name *
Email *
What's Your Mental Health Story Title? *
What's Your Mental Health Story Description? *
What Medium Is Your Mental Health Story? (i.e. poem/song, painting, photography, dance, etc.) *
Share Your Mental Health Story Web Link (*** Please use Google Drive for your submission and ensure access so we can download the file). *

By signing and submitting my video, I hereby grant ZENtertainment Enterprises and the team managing The Ubuntu Project Community Journal the right to use my audio/video that may or may not feature me in connection with the Community Journal. I authorize the ZENtertainment to copyright, use, and publish the same electronically on their social channels. I agree that the ZENtertainment Enterprises may use my Community Journal submission for screenshot photographs, audio and/or video of me with or without my name, without any compensation, and for any lawful purpose, including for example such purposes as the documentary, publicity, illustration, advertising, and web content which shall be the sole property of the ZENtertainment Enterprises. I hereby waive any and all present and future claims I may have against ZENtertainment Enterprises and The Ubuntu Project.

I have read the Waiver Statement above and give my permission to ZENtertainment Enterprises/The Ubuntu Project team to use my content. *
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