Minnetonka Boys Tennis 2023
Welcome to the season!  All players who intend to tryout for the teams need to complete this form.  Please take time to be reflective and complete in your answers.
Please list your current UTR or USTA tournament experiences since last season (include the level and any results).   We use this information in part to place you in the appropriate Round Robin for try-outs. *
Availability during Spring Break?
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Player NAME (first and last) *
Player student ID (the one used for email with @mtka.org) *
Player phone number *
Player email *
Grade in School *
Years of playing experience and the last team and specific position you played (for example, B Team #2 dubs mostly).  
Last year I was on *
I prefer to play *
Uniform size, top *
Uniform size, shorts *
Player Parent email #1 *
Player Parent Name #1 *
Player Parent Phone #1 *
Player Parent Name #2
Player Parent email #2
Player Parent Phone #2
What are the strengths of your tennis game? *
What do you identify as your areas of needed growth in your tennis game? *
What are your personal goals for this season? *
What else should I know about you as your coach? *
if you transferred in from another school, tell me at what level you played there.
If you have any physical concerns, please state them here
Coaches support and challenge players, which do you respond better to? *
My favorite part of last season was... *
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