Mission Bootcamp Registration
Deepen your spiritual life & receive the tools to lead in Jesus' Mission.

All underclassmen are welcome; upperclassmen are encouraged to attend the Upperclassmen Discernment Retreat the following weekend (though Small Group Leaders can attend both if they choose).

(I know many of you have jobs, so just come for whenever you can!)

Small group leaders will attend the "B" Breakout Sessions, while everyone else (with a couple exceptions) will attend the "A" sessions.

*** Schedule ***
12:00pm Lunch
12:40 - Intro & Icebreaker
1:00 - Adoration, Confession, & Worship
2:10 - General Session #1 - "Radical Sainthood"
3:20 - Breakout Session #2A - “Jesus’ Vision & Mission”
3:20 - Breakout Session #2B - "Christian Maturity"
4:20 - Breakout Session #3A - “Evangelization Toolbox: Gospel Message & Dialogue”
4:20 - Breakout Session #3B - “Virtue: Road to Freedom"
5:00 - Prayer for Holy Spirit
5:20 - Dinner
Google にログインすると作業内容を保存できます。詳細
Name: *
Email Address *
What year are you? *
Do you live on campus? *
If so, where?
Are you a Small Group Leader? *
How did you hear about this retreat
What meals do you plan to attend? *
Do you have any food allergies/restrictions?
What did you think of Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker?
How can we pray for you leading up to this retreat?
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