Submit your completed audio fiction show to The End!
The End is the listener-focused directory for audio fiction shows that have reached the finale of a season, the conclusion of the series, or have a new season starting again soon.

If that describes your fiction podcast, audio drama, audiobook, radio play, or audio theater production, we'd love to include your show.

This form should take you less than 2 minutes to fill out, as we get most of what we need from your show's RSS feed or marketplace listing. We try to make it easy on you!
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Title of the audio fiction show you are submitting: *
Generated content (AI, LLM, ML) transparency statement included?
Whether or not you use generative software in your creation is between you and your gods. What's important to us is that usage of LLM, ML,or AI tools to generate a material portion of your audio require you to disclose said usage in the description of your show.

Are you submitting a ...

Please review all five options.
For Season Finales and New Seasons, which option best describes this season? *

What is the date this season/series ended (or will end)?

If you're submitting a New Season starting soon, enter the date you'll start releasing episodes of the new season.
How many Seasons are or will be concluded for this submission? *

How many Full episodes (not Bonus or Trailer episodes) comprise/will comprise your series as of this submission?

If there are more seasons yet to come, when do you anticipate the season after this will start?
If this completes your series, leave the field blank.
Has this show previously been listed in The End? *
If you're not sure, it probably hasn't been. Though you can search to make sure.
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