Rosman Middle School 2019 Spring Survey
This is a 12 question survey to begin to strengthen the bond between Rosman Middle School and our student's families.  It is an anonymous survey that will help RMS understand how to continue working with families.  Thank you for taking your time to fill this out.  Please note this survey is anyomous and no information is taken on any identifiying feature from you (outside of identifying your students grade in the first question).
I currently have a student in:
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The Rosman Middle School PTO is not currently functioning.  The RMS staff would like to revive it for the purpose of helping students.  This could be achieved in many ways - chaperoning school events, helping in classrooms, providing feedback to teachers, fundraising, and other avenues.  Would you be interested in helping out in re-forming the new RMS PTO this spring?  If you choose yes below, please email Scott Strickler at (your email to Scott will not be associated with your survey answers).
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RMS is looking into the possibility of providing simple gym uniforms (shorts and a t-shirt) that would be laundered at school several times per week.  As a parent, would you be willing to purchase gym uniforms in the 2019-2020 school year?  If so, what is more feasible for your family?
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The 8th grade trip was discontinued several years ago due to cost.  If your student will be in 8th grade next year, would you be interested in the 8th grade class going on a trip (potentially to Raleigh and the Outer Banks) that could cost several hundreds of dollars?  RMS would provide fundraising opportunities throughout the year to help families lower the cost of their students trip.
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Are you, or do you know any, local businesses or entrepreneurs that could partner with RMS - as a mentor, to come be a guest speaker for a class or the school, to help us determine how we can best partner with our community to help students understand the exciting world they can access after high school?  If so, could you please put down the business name and contact person below:
How do you prefer to receive information about the school/school events? (select as many as you prefer)
Would you be interested in attending a class or session on how parents or family members can help their children learn at home?
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If you checked "yes" in the previous question, please indicate below the type of workshops you would like to participate in to help you help your child learn.
In order for you to participate in parent education programs at the school, the meetings should be held in the
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As a parent, do you have trouble with any of the following?
What suggestions do you have of other ways we could help you to help your child learn?
What else would you like to tell us that we haven’t asked?
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