Mid Shore Health Improvement Coalition Workgroups
The Mid Shore Health Improvement Coalition is growing! We are pleased to offer many new opportunities for individuals to be meaningfully involved in regional health improvement. Please take 1-2 minutes to complete this form and make your workgroup selection(s). 

Workgroups will meet approximately 6 times per year, but some groups might choose to meet more or less frequently. All meetings will be held virtually via Zoom. 

If you have an interest in a leadership position, please let us know too! All co-chairs will be provided with training and technical assistance on group facilitation and collective impact strategies. 
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Please select one or more workgroups of your choice. *
Are you interested in co-chairing a workgroup? If so, please indicate the name of the workgroup. (Write n/a if this does not apply.)
Full Name *
Organization representing *
Title *
Email *
Phone *
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