Deaf Museums: Consultants
For more information, see the Deaf Museums Website.

We will contact you if we have any questions and we will let you know when your info. has been added to the Deaf Museums Consultants database.   

Acceder a Google para guardar el progreso. Más información
1. Your name
Please add your name and - if applicable - the name of your business or organization. If  you want, also add how you want to be addressed (He/She/They)
2. Your Contact Address *
3. Your Expertise
(More than 1 option allowed)
4. Country
The country / countries that you've worked in, live in.
5. Hearing Status 
Hearing status: Deaf, h-o-h, hearing, other. 
6.  Languages: the languages that you are happy to communicate in (signed, written, spoken). 
7. Social Media, Website
Please add your Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram etc. accounts, and/or the address of a personal or business website.
8. Examples
Please add a description of your work experience,  links to websites, articles, webinars, podcasts, etc. 
9. Photo
Please send a photo to:
10. Video introduction (not required)
If you want: add the link to a YouTube or Vimeo video with a personal introduction (spoken, signed. Max. length: 3-4 min. Preferably: with subtitles)
Any other information
Please add any other information that you think is relevant. 
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