Games and Stuff Team Application
Games and Stuff is the east coast's largest tabletop game store. We've been serving the DMV since 2000, and with more people than ever getting into tabletop, we're always looking for folks to join our team. Expert miniature, RPG, and board game knowledge not required, but enthusiasm is!

As a team member at Games and Stuff, you'll interact with customers and help them discover the wonderful world of modern tabletop gaming. Share your passion for gaming with our community and become an ambassador for play.

Games and Stuff celebrates and embraces a community of many identities and backgrounds. We're in the business of fun, and we believe an inclusive team that represents the diversity of the community around us makes us a stronger and more welcoming destination for fans. If we sound like a good fit for you, we'd love to hear from you.

Inicia la sessió a Google per desar el teu progrés. Més informació
Adreça electrònica *
First and Last Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
What position are you applying for? Check all that apply. *
What is your current employment status?
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Work experience. Share a few sentences about your relevant experience. *
References. Please share a few professional references and their contact info. *
Availability to start work *
What tabletop game have you been playing and enjoying the most recently? *
Why are you interested in working at Games and Stuff?
We'd love to see your resumé! Email or insert a URL below. LinkedIn URLs or personal websites are welcome.
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