"聖體奇蹟"國際展覽 - 兒童導賞 (4-14歲)   “The Eucharistic Miracles of the World” International Exhibition Guided Tour for Children (Age 4-14)
聖體奇蹟長久以來一直是備受世界各地學者與科學家關注和研究的天主教議題。澳門天主教文化協會很榮幸為大家隆重呈獻《聖體奇蹟》國際展覽,由真福卡洛‧阿庫蒂斯(Blessed Carlo Acutis)策展,利用照片和歷史叙述展示多個世紀以來,在不同國家及地區發生,並獲教會認可的聖體奇蹟,希望以“天主教文化與科學”的角度,讓大家探索那人類科學永遠都不可能論證和突破的,及那背後遠比科學研究本身更大的含意。

  1. (FULL🈵) 2022年9月10日(六) 14:00 - 14:20
  2. 2022年9月17日(六) 14:00 - 14:20
  3. 2022年9月24日(六) 14:00 - 14:20


The Eucharistic miracles have been one of the most studied topics by scholars and scientists from all over the world.  The Macao Catholic Culture Association (ACCM) is pleased to present “The Eucharistic Miracles of the World” International Exhibition, curated by Blessed Carlo Acutis, featuring the Eucharistic miracles that have taken place over the centuries in different countries and which the Church recognises.

Guided Tour for Children (Age4-14):
  1. (FULL🈵)  Sep 10, 2022(Sat) 14:00 - 14:20
  2. Sep 17, 2022(Sat) 14:00 - 14:20
  3. Sep 24, 2022(Sat) 14:00 - 14:20
Venue : Rua Formosa, No. 5, R/C, Macau

For epidemic prevention, please wear a mask, undergo temperature check, scan the venue code and present Macao Health Code in green during the tour.  Thank you for your cooperation!月
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導賞日期   Guided Tour *
人數 No. of pax *
兒童Kids (4-14)
陪同人 Accompanier
姓名 Name
手提電話 Mobile
電郵 Email
謝謝!Thank you!  
本協會將會在1個工作日內以EMAIL回覆。The Macao Catholic Culture Association will email the confirmation letter by email within 1 working days.
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