On-Campus Period/Menstrual Product Survey
Hi, thank you for taking the time to complete this survey! We are student team within the PRISE Entrepreneurship program hoping to gain a better understand of menstrual awareness on campus as well as how menstrual access could be improved at CWRU. All feedback is appreciated and thanks for supporting our campaign towards a more period-friendly environment!

If interested in scheduling a short one-on-one interview with us to discuss more, please list your CWRU email. You'll be entered in a raffle where we are giving $20 Amazon gift cards to 5 lucky people!
Google にログインすると作業内容を保存できます。詳細
What gender of the bathroom do you use?
What CWRU buildings do you spend the majority of your time in (excluding dorms/housing)?
How often do you use the menstrual products provided by CWRU?
Are you satisfied with the availability of menstrual products on campus?
How satisfied are you with the quality of menstrual products?
What would make it easier for you to access menstrual products on campus (location, availability, etc)?
Who should you contact if products are not available in a particular location (put "unsure" if not sure)?
On a scale of 1-10, how comfortable do you feel discussing topics related to menstruation?
Not comfortable at all
Extremely comfortable
How would you rate your overall knowledge about periods and menstrual hygiene?
I know nothing
Ask me anything!
If interested in talking to us more and be entered in a gift card raffle, please list your CWRU email so we could schedule a time to meet!
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このフォームは Case Western Reserve University 内部で作成されました。 不正行為の報告