Payroll 2020
Booking form for the Payroll 2020 Workshop being held on the 15th and 16th January 2020. Each booking costs €50 + VAT.
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Company Name (Write N/A if not applicable) *
Company Address (Write N/A if not applicable) *
Company VAT Number (Write N/A if not applicable) *
Payroll 2020
Session choice - the 15th January session is fully booked
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Number of Attendees *
Applicant's Details
We will contact you via email if there are multiple bookings so as to provide details of all attendees.  
Name *
Surname *
Email *
Telephone Numer *
Payment Method *
By filling in this form you are agreeing to send us your data which we will process in relation to your application, to keep you informed about the above mentioned workshops, for financial purposes and to keep a copy of your attendance certificate should you need an additional copy at a later stage. Our privacy notice can be viewed through the following link -
I read the above consent and agree to it *
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