Happening #87 Chaperone Application
Happening is a movement led by youth Team members. Happening Chaperones are intended to serve as background support where needed and keep youth safe and supervised in the cabins. 
Chaperone needs are determined by youth participation, so completing this form does not guarantee you as a chaperone for Happening #87. We will be in contact no later than October 11th to let you know if we will need you in attendance. 

Chaperones are expected to attend the entirety of the Happening Weekend to ensure SafeChurch youth:adult ratios are followed. If you cannot stay for both nights, please consider joining us for Closing Eucharist on Sunday instead and providing support through prayers and encouragement for the youth.
Chaperones are also required to complete SafeChurch training, in accordance with Diocesan policy. SafeChurch training must be completed every 3 years; if you are uncertain about the status of your training, please indicate so in the SafeChurch section of the application. 

The cost of attending the weekend as a chaperone is free.

Happening #87 will be February 28 - March 2nd at Grace Point Camp.

Please contact Jesse Adkins at Jadkins@dioet.org if you have any questions.
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First Name & Last Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
Gender *
Home Parish *
T-Shirt Size *
Have you chaperoned Happening in the past? If yes, please indicate what year(s) and Diocese?
Do you have any Dietary needs or food allergies? *please note that Grace Point is limited in their ability to accommodate certain dietary needs and allergies. We may have to ask you to supplement certain elements of your meals. 
If you selected something other than "none" above, please specify.
Safe Church
Please complete the following questions about your SafeChurch training status
Have you completed SafeChurch Training within the last 3 years?
Did your parish or Diocese complete a background check as part of your training?
If you have completed your training, what year and method were you trained? (in person, online via Zoom, online via Praesidium courses, etc.)
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