Good Money Podcast Listener Survey

We know your time is valuable. That's why we're grateful you're taking time out of your busy day so that we can continue to make the Good Money Podcast better and you have an incredible listening experience.

Plus, we know you're really here for the $25 Amazon gift cards :)

Without further ado....let's hear your honest thoughts 🤝
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Exactly our thoughts, Oprah. Thank you.
Let's get the boring stuff out of the way first...
First name *
Email address *
City and state you live in *
Gender *
Age *
Now for the FUN stuff...🎉
How did you first hear about the podcast? *
On what platform do you normally listen to podcasts? *
Where do you typically listen to Good Money episodes? *
How long do you normally listen to episodes? *
Do you wish the episodes were... *
How do you choose which episodes to listen to? *
How do you like to hear about new podcast episodes? Check all that you like. *
If you could have the podcast link texted to you, would you be interested? *
If Derrick texted you daily or weekly money tips, would you be interested? *
If Derrick offered a 30 Day Good Money Challenge via email or text, would you be interested in participating? *
Which social media accounts do you follow us on? Check all that apply. *
What's your favorite part of the podcast? *
What's your LEAST favorite part of the podcast? *
What topics do you want to hear more about? *
Do you have any suggestions for new segments on the podcast? *
Do you listen to podcasts that are similar to ours? If so, what are they? *
Who do you want to be a guest on the podcast that has never been on the show before? *
Be honest. What could we do to make your listening experience better? *
How do you think we could reach more people? *
What does "Good Money" mean to you? *
Anything else to tell us? *
Are you on our email list? *
THANK YOU! It's truly our pleasure to get to serve you with Good Money episodes and content. We're so glad you're a part of the Good Money Community.
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