課程報名表  Event Registration
Purr-fect Surprise 貓咪驚喜禮盒
日期:12/4 (星期六)
時間:10:00 am - 5:30 pm
導師:Shirley Kwan

Purr-fect Surprise
Date: 12/4 (Sat)
Time: 10:00 am - 5:30 pm
Instructor: Shirley Kwan
Fee: HK$1,500
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課程內容  Course Description
每隻貓咪都愛盒子,今次我們將這種玩味融入課程!在這個充滿樂趣的「貓咪驚喜禮盒」課程中,我們以禮盒為主題,結合貓咪的獨特個性,打造一款令人驚喜的3D蛋糕作品 - 絕對是貓奴和烘焙愛好者的夢幻之作!

🐱 喵喵亮點
製作2D貓咪 – 塑造一隻充滿個性的可愛小貓,讓它從禮盒「跳出來」。
上色技巧 – 學習陰影技巧,讓你的作品更具立體感,栩栩如生。
禮盒蛋糕設計 – 打造盒形蛋糕(使用假體),並添加吸睛的裝飾。
長久保存 – 使用發泡膠蛋糕模型,讓你的作品成為你的的紀念品!

✨ 這個課程專為釋放你的藝術潛能而設,讓你在歡樂中學習。帶回家一件既可愛又創意的作品,無論展示還是送禮都完美。

📌 學費已包括材料及課堂上會借用所有工具。

Every cat loves a good box, and now it’s your turn to bring that playful charm to life! In this exciting Purr-fect Surprise course, we’re combining the magic of a gift box with the quirky personality of a cat to create a stunning 3D cake masterpiece - perfect for cat lovers and baking enthusiasts alike!

🐱 Meow Meow Highlights:
Craft a 2D Kitty – Shape an adorable cat with personality that leaps off the cake.
Colouring Techniques – Master shading tricks to make your creation pop with lifelike depth.
Gift Box Cake Design – Build a box-shaped cake (using a dummy cake) and add eye-catching decorations.
Long-Lasting Fun – Work with styrofoam cake models so you can treasure your artwork for years to come!

✨ This course is all about unleashing your inner artist while having a blast. Take home a keepsake that’s as cute as it is creative - perfect for displaying or gifting.

📌 All materials and tools are provided for you during class.​​
導師簡介  Instructor's Profile
Shirley's career path took a turn after years in administrative and managerial roles as she discovered her passion for cake design. She earned a Professional Certificate in Baker and Pastry Cook Training from the Vocational Training Council of Hong Kong, receiving the Best Performance Award. With a background in bakery techniques, she began learning cake making and decoration as a hobby, which quickly turned into a full-fledged passion. Shirley has completed several professional certificate courses in Royal Icing and Sugar Flower in the UK and an Advanced Clay Art course in Taiwan.

Shirley's hard work and dedication have earned her several accolades, including a Bronze Prize in the Professional Wedding Cake competition at HOFEX 2013, a Gold Award for "Class C: A Floral Arrangement" at ExCel London 2015, and a Silver Award for "Class N: Small Decorative Exhibit" at Cake International Birmingham 2017. She is also a skilled teacher, offering classes in cake decorating and clay art, and is an accredited tutor for the PME Professional Diploma Course. In recognition of her achievements, Shirley was awarded the Honorary Five Star Sugar Artist Medal in 2019.


Shirley於2013年HOFEX主辦的專業結婚蛋糕比賽中獲得銅牌獎、2015年ExCel London的Class C: A Floral Arrangement比賽中獲得金獎、2017年Cake International Birmingham的Class N: Small Decorative Exhibit比賽中獲得銀獎。她是英國PME專業文憑課程的認證導師及於2019年獲頒發PME五星糖藝師榮譽勛章。
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Upon receiving your registration form, we will email or WhatsApp you advising on seat availability after checking the course quota. Please deposit or transfer full payment within three working days to confirm your booking upon receipt of our reply. Thank you!
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