每隻貓咪都愛盒子,今次我們將這種玩味融入課程!在這個充滿樂趣的「貓咪驚喜禮盒」課程中,我們以禮盒為主題,結合貓咪的獨特個性,打造一款令人驚喜的3D蛋糕作品 - 絕對是貓奴和烘焙愛好者的夢幻之作!
🐱 喵喵亮點:
製作2D貓咪 – 塑造一隻充滿個性的可愛小貓,讓它從禮盒「跳出來」。
上色技巧 – 學習陰影技巧,讓你的作品更具立體感,栩栩如生。
禮盒蛋糕設計 – 打造盒形蛋糕(使用假體),並添加吸睛的裝飾。
長久保存 – 使用發泡膠蛋糕模型,讓你的作品成為你的的紀念品!
✨ 這個課程專為釋放你的藝術潛能而設,讓你在歡樂中學習。帶回家一件既可愛又創意的作品,無論展示還是送禮都完美。
📌 學費已包括材料及課堂上會借用所有工具。
Every cat loves a good box, and now it’s your turn to bring that playful charm to life! In this exciting Purr-fect Surprise course, we’re combining the magic of a gift box with the quirky personality of a cat to create a stunning 3D cake masterpiece - perfect for cat lovers and baking enthusiasts alike!
🐱 Meow Meow Highlights:
Craft a 2D Kitty – Shape an adorable cat with personality that leaps off the cake.
Colouring Techniques – Master shading tricks to make your creation pop with lifelike depth.
Gift Box Cake Design – Build a box-shaped cake (using a dummy cake) and add eye-catching decorations.
Long-Lasting Fun – Work with styrofoam cake models so you can treasure your artwork for years to come!
✨ This course is all about unleashing your inner artist while having a blast. Take home a keepsake that’s as cute as it is creative - perfect for displaying or gifting.
📌 All materials and tools are provided for you during class.