'25 - '26 Interest List & School Tour Options -  Thursday Afternoons
Completing this form is to let CRA know that you are interested enrolling for the 2025-2026 school year!

Completing this form does not guarantee a spot for this school year. 

We anticipate having the following availability: 

Sea Turtles - PreK3 - 3-5 openings available 

Sea Turtles - PreK4 -  1-2  openings available 

Sea Otter - Kindergarten -  1-2 openings available 

Narwhals - 1st Grade -  1-2   openings available 

Tiger Sharks - 2nd Grade -  1-2   openings available 

Manta Rays - 3rd Grade - 1-2 openings available 

Manta Rays - 4th Grade - 1-2 openings available 

Manta Rays - 5th Grade - 2 openings available 
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Email *
Student’s Full Name *
Student's Gender *
Student's Age  *
Student's Date of Birth *
Has the student been approved for SUFS? *
Grade Enrolling For *
2nd Student’s Full Name 
2nd Student's Gender
Student's Age
Student's Date of Birth
Has the student been approved for SUFS?
Grade Enrolling For
Parent/Guardian #1 Full Name: *
Parent/Guardian #1 Relation to Student: *
Parent/Guardian #1 Cell Phone Number": *
Parent/Guardian #1 Email Address *
Parent/Guardian #2 Full Name:
Parent/Guardian #2 Relation to Student:
Parent/Guardian #2 Cell Phone Number":
Parent/Guardian #2 Email Address
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