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Photo Sharing and Posting
Hi there! I’m working on a personal project related to improving the way people share and post photos, and I’d appreciate your input. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at
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* Indicates required question
What is your age?
14 to 18
19 to 23
24 to 28
29 to 33
34 to 38
39 to 43
44 to 48
49 to 53
54 to 58
59 to 63
64 to 68
If you want to send multiple photos from your phone to friends or family, what do you use the most?
Bluetooth sharing (ie. AirDrop)
Messenger app (ie. Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, etc.)
Social media direct messaging (ie. Instagram, Twitter, etc.)
Text message or iMessage
Cloud sharing link (ie. GoogleDrive, DropBox, WeTransfer, etc.)
Based on your answer above, please explain why you choose this option the most.
Your answer
When searching for a photo on your phone's camera roll, what do you do the most?
Scroll through all your photos until you find it
Search through albums
Search by dates
Search by location
Use the search bar to search by person or object
Please select the social media app you use the most to post photos.
I prefer to not share any photos on a social media platform
What is the main reason why you post photos on social media?
To build a strong social presence/influence (ie. increase following, likes, and comments)
To update people I know in real life on what I am doing
To share knowledge or opinions (ie. exercises, cooking, religious views, political views, etc.)
To better the lives of others (ie. positive messages or encouragement)
To promote a product, service, or organization
To contribute to a community (ie. pets, home, humour, etc.)
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If you could change or add anything to your photo posting experience on the social media platform you selected above, what would it be? If you do not post photos, please explain why.
Your answer
Thank you so much for taking the time to fill out this survey! If you are willing to chat more about your photo sharing and posting experiences for my project, please leave your email below.
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