Collaboration Survey
IRF Roundtable Working groups are increasingly working online. The Freedom Center is interested in bringing those tools to you. Please fill out the survey to help us to understand better how to serve your needs.
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What is your name? *
What is your email? *
What is the name of your working group
Is (are) your working group(s) using online video tools? If so which one? *
If not, would you like to use online video tools? Do you have a preference on which one?
Is (are) your working group(s) using shared cloud file storage of collaborative documents? If so which one?
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Is (are) your working group(s) using a virtual project management platform? If so which one?
If not, would you like to use online Project Management Tools? Do you have a preference on which one?
What online organizing, collaborating, sharing, or communicating tools are you using for your working group(s) not referenced here?
What online organizing, collaborating, sharing, or communicating tools would you like to use for your working group(s) not already shared
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