TPRS Group Class
Fill in the form and get notified when the next group class is open.
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What's your name? *
What's your level of Russian? (approximately) *
Have you ever had TPRS classes before? *
How many times a week do you prefer to have classes? *
What days of the week are you available to study? (you can select more then 1 day) *
In what timezone do you live? *
What time is the most suitable for you to participate in a group class? (in your timezone) Check few times slots that suits you best. *
Do you have any other preferences?
Your email address: (I promise, I will not sent you spam, only information regarding TPRS classes)
Thank you so much for your answers! I will consider them, when I will create new group class. You will be notified when admission will be open.
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