Legacy of Hope Support Group Sign-Up
Join Brains for the Cure every third Thursday of the month on Zoom at 7 PM ET \ 6 PM CT \ 5 PM MT \ 4 PM PT dedicated to caregivers who have lost a loved one to a brain tumor. This group provides a compassionate space for navigating the challenging journey of grief. Whether you are mourning your loss, dealing with significant life changes, or seeking solace during difficult times, our group offers understanding, empathy, and support.

The link for our Zoom call will be sent to anyone signed up before each conversation. Each month will focus on a different topic led by caregivers and other facilitators.

Contact courtney@headforthecure.org for any questions or concerns.
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First and Last Name *
Email Address *
Mailing Address *
This will be used for internal use only!
How did you hear of Brains for the Cure? *
What topic(s) are you hoping to learn about during these support groups? (Check all that apply) *
If you selected other, please include topic suggestions below.
We will send out a Zoom link for each month's call. In addition to your email provided, we can send the link to a caregiver/family member/friend that assists with scheduling and reminders. If you would like the link to be sent to someone in addition to you please list their name and email address below.
Please include anything else you'd like the Brains for the Cure team to know!
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