Reader Interest Inventory
If you are honest, these questions will help your librarian or your teacher recommend books for you to read.  THERE ARE NO RIGHT OR WRONG ANSWERS.
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Please enter your Blue Valley email address: *
What is your name? *
Do you like to read? *
Reading, ewww.
I like to read.
Rate yourself:  How well do you read English? *
Reading is really hard for me.
I'm a good reader when I like the book.
What is the hardest part about reading? *
Which do you like MORE? Fiction or Nonfiction? *
Are you willing to try reading an eBook? *
Are you willing to try listening to an audiobook? *
What is at least one book you have read in the last few years that you really liked or loved?  If you don't have a book you liked, what are some movies or TV shows that you liked? *
What are your very FAVORITE THINGS TO DO? *
What kinds of books are the MOST interesting to you? *
Is there anything, in particular, you would like to read about, such as a "soccer superstars," "how to bake a cute cupcake," "black holes," "emotional poetry," "true stories of people overcoming adversity," "how to be a better friend," "raising a tarantula," "dropping the atomic bomb,"  and so on?  If you have special topics or requests, please list them here:
Thank you for your answers.  When you are finished, click SUBMIT.
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