Blue Sky Future Recommendations
Please provide your thoughts and feedback on the following recommendations

Note: If you would rather fill out a paper form, contact Lynn Foreman at
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Your name (and contact information if you would like someone to reach out to you for follow-up)
Enhance our Visual Presence on Washington Street: 
• New directional signs into the building
• Return to the use of the stone/”Wayside Pulpit” sign 
• Banners with rotating phrases that capture the essence of who we are
• New Black Lives Matter banner flying next to the rainbow/pride flag
Improve the Online Experience: 
• Improve the audio visual system
• Reevaluate the platform we use (Facebook / YouTube / Zoom)
• Better engage with those who join from a distance; 
• Update the website so that it accurately and engagingly reflects who we are and what we offer to the larger community
Offer Social Justice Programming for Youth: Explore both camp programs (summer and/or vacation periods) and single session/stand alone programs
Build on Current Creative Outreach Programming: 
• Create additional options for bringing new people of all ages into relationship with UUSWH
• Continue enhancing the communication program
Renovate the Sanctuary: 
• Add two video screens (this summer)

(at a later date, probably next summer, after careful consideration including an assessment of impact on acoustics) 
• Remove the pews
• Replace the floor
• Purchase stackable chairs 
Explore Using Part of Our Campus for a Creative Arts Center for the Town of Wellesley
Each of these proposals will require implementation, involving dedicated task forces to move from ideas to actualization. 
 Which proposals are of most interest to you? 
 Would you be willing to join a task force, or get involved in some other way? 
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