The BSST Program - Apply to Join Us
The Black Sea Sustainable Rural Tourism Program selects communities that qualify to be part of the Program and the web-portal.  The web-portal features communities, accommodations, activities, events, and festivals in the community. Travelers can book accommodations and activities on the web-portal.  There is no charge to be a participant, but only communities can join. All fields are mandatory unless otherwise shown. For information about benefits,  rules and regulations please complete this form for us and we will contact you within 5 business days.
Google にログインすると作業内容を保存できます。詳細
メールアドレス *
The name of the community (town, village or group of towns and villages within a 20 km radius) *
Country *
Full name and title (Mr. - Mrs - Ms.) *
Your street address (include town and country) *
What is your organisation name, if any? If none, enter "none" *
Organisation type? (NG0, non-profit, association, etc.) If none enter "none" *
What is your organisation's street address, if any? If you do not have an organisation, please leave blank.
What is your organisation's email? If none, please leave blank.
Does your organisation have a web site? *
If your organisation has a web site, please enter the URL here. If you do not have a web site, please enter "none"
Please write a brief history and description of your organisation
Please write a brief description of your community. Include history, why it is unique and any other information. *
What does your organisation do to support local communities? *
What does your organisation do to protect the environment or local wildlife? *
What does your organisation do to preserve and share cultural traditions? *
The BSST Program requires travelers to book a 2 night minimum stay and the community organization must design and provide a full day "Get to Know the Community" experience tour which is included in the total price. The BSST Program will assist in the design. Does your organzation have the ability to design a full day tour as required? *
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