ThaiBev Group Career Journey in ASEAN 2024
Date: Sunday, January 14, 2024 
Time: 2pm - 4pm
Zoom link: Once the registration form is completed, the Zoom link will be sent to your email)
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Personal Data Protection *
The personal data collected under this application, including the sensitive personal data, is necessary for and related to the consideration of the appropriateness to the position you applied for with the company. The company is required to request for your consent for collecting, using, and disclosing such personal data to any company within Thai Beverage Public Company Limited Group of Companies (“ThaiBev Group”) for the purposes of personnel recruitment, examination, and consideration of the qualification and appropriateness to the applied position or other positions within ThaiBev Group as the company deems suitable for you only. I have read and understood the above terms and conditions including the ThaiBev Group’s Announcement on the Personal Data Protection (as attached hereto) and agreed to give consent to the company to collect, use, and disclose my personal data for the abovementioned purposes.
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