Clara Elroy's ARC Team Form
Fill out this form to apply to be a part of Clara Elroy's ARC Team!

This is more than just an ARC Team. In addition to reviewing Advanced Review Copies of Clara's Books, we will periodically ask you to interact with, or share posts to help spread the word about her books.

-In order to be a considered as a member of Clara's ARC Team, you must post your review on Goodreads upon finishing your ARC (preferably by release) and on Amazon and BookBub (optional) within one week of release.

-If you do not post your review within the time frame outlined above, you will be removed from the ARC Team.

*If you have special circumstances that interfere with your ability to review in the allotted time frame (sickness, etc.) let us know prior to release.*

If you have any questions or concerns, please email at

Thank you!
Google にログインすると作業内容を保存できます。詳細
Name *
Personal Email *
Bookstagram/Blog Name *
IG/Blog page URL (Please include http://) *
Amazon Page URL (Please include http://) *
Goodreads Page URL (Please include http://) * *
Facebook profile link (Please include http://) *
N/A if not applicable
Amazon reviews are *required* to be selected for Clara's ARC team.
Have you previously read and reviewed any of Clara's books? *
Your review *
N/A if not applicable
Kindle Email *
To look this up log in to Kindle, go to setting, scroll down and it will say "Send to Kindle email."
A review must be left within a 2 week window (a week before or a week after release). *
Make sure and is on your approved senders list. *
NDA Agreement
By clicking 'yes' to request to be on Clara Elroy's ARC team you are acknowledging that every book is copyrighted material protected by federal copyright laws.

Further, by accepting an advanced copy of Clara Elroy's books, you agree that you will not distribute, copy, or share your copy of each book to any person or entity without prior written consent from Clara Elroy. If it is discovered that you have violated this agreement, Clara Elroy reserves all legal rights available to it, including pursuing a lawsuit for breach of contract which may claim damages including, but not limited to, lost profits caused by the violative distribution.

Additionally, by accepting an advance copy of Clara Elroy's books, you agree that your review will not contain spoilers. Should Clara Elroy or a representative of her behalf determine that your review contains spoilers and contacts you to remove the offending language, you agree that you will do so as soon as is reasonably possible.
Do you agree to the NDA? *
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