Skunkworks Application Form
This form is for students interested in joining the Informatics Skunkworks either to participate in a research project, or to enroll in the Introduction to Machine Learning for Engineering Research course (ML4ER).

Filling out this form will also add you to our email list so you will get information about recruiting, events, and community announcements for the Skunkworks.

Our primary recruitment efforts are centered around the start of each semester (Fall, Spring), with a smaller effort focused on continuing project and a summer iteration of the ML4ER course. We will send out detailed information on getting involved for new members and updated information on specific projects. by submitting this form, you will be included on those emails when they go out!

For the upcoming Semester see the main Skunkworks Webpage for key dates on when to expect to hear back, and please email with any questions. 
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Full Name
Location (Institution where you are enrolled as a student)
Your University Email Address
Year of Study
Term joining for
Relevant Coursework including a few sentences describing concepts covered
Experience Outside of Coursework
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