UC Berkeley Neurodiversity Symposium 2025 Registration (RSVP)
Please join us for UC Berkeley’s first Neurodiversity Symposium: Building a Neurodivergent Future!

The Symposium will be virtual on Friday, April 11 from 10:00am-3:30pm and in-person on Saturday, April 12 from 9:30am-1:30pm at Alumni House. We will have speakers, workshops, and performances covering topics such as the history of the neurodiversity paradigm, disability identity, and what building a neurodivergent future can look like. Allies and friends are welcome.

If you have any questions, please reach out to spectrumconnect@berkeley.edu.
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Name *
Email Address *
What affiliation do you have with the university? *
Which days of the symposium do you plan to attend?

The first day is a Zoom call for everyone.

The second day is in-person at Alumni House.
First Day - Zoom Call
Second Day - In-Person Attendance
If you are attending the second day in person, do you have dietary restrictions?
How can we accommodate your access needs so you can participate?
We invite you to participate in our art project! Your answer to this question will be used anonymously to create a Word Cloud for the symposium.

What is your favorite accessibility tool?
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