Kuna Bands- Band Letter 2021
This Google Form will have you fill out information for the Band Letter for 2020-21. Please fill out the form entirely and submit by Thursday, April 15th.

This form is being used to determine your eligibility for an academic/extra-curricular award for band known as the Band Letter. Students who meet the requirements of the Letter will be recognized as outstanding band students similar to top achieving athletes. Letter winners will receive a certificate, a fabric 'K' (some like to place this on a letterman jacket), and a band pin to recognize their achievement. Filling out this form for a Band Letter is optional. This award can be earned on an annual basis.
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Hello! What is your name? (First and Last) *
What is your current grade? *
What is your primary instrument? *
What is your email address? *
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Este formulário foi criado em Kuna Joint School District No. 3. Denunciar abuso