Living Lent Daily
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Did you share the kids content with your child(ren)?
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What part of the emails did you find most impactful?
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Did you pray the Out-the-Door Blessing when you left the house? 
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Please rate each podcast
Ten Percent Happier: Lessons From the World's Longest Scientific Study on Happiness, Dr. Robert Waldinger
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Pivot: How to Listen to Your Neighbors’ Spiritual Stories, Dee Stokes and Dwight Zscheile
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The Bible for Normal People: David Bentley Hart
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The Assignment with Audie Cornish: Healing Political Divisions in the Pews, Rich Villodas
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Ten Percent Happier with Dan Harris:  Esther Perel on the One Thing that Will Improve the Quality of Your Life
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"Needs Abound" – Sermon by Traci Blackmon | March 12, 2023 | Distinguished Preachers Series
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“Quit Getting In Your Own Way,” The Leader’s Journey
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Overall, the videos for children?
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What were some of the take-aways you found most meaningful?
Did you find a partner or someone to share your thoughts and questions with?
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If you were placed in a group or paired with someone would that help?
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Our Paper Chain: Why did you or did you not share your story with the paper chain? Were you uncomfortable sharing in worship? Did you not come up with a story to share?
Based on this series, how likely are you to sign up for another faith exploration series?
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