CPD Proposal Form 2024/25
We invite you to complete this form to propose a CPD session that you would like to deliver in partnership with OTSA. If you have worked with us before, you only need to complete the starred fields, although please update us if anything has changed. 

Have a look at our upcoming and past offer for inspiration and to check that your proposal is not duplicating an existing event.

Please be aware that OTSA does not deliver any 'Preparing for Ofsted' type courses, in response to feedback from partner schools. 

If you have any questions please drop us a line at info@otsa.org.uk or give us a call on 01865 647 999.

We are looking forward to working with you.
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Name *
Email address
Mobile phone number
Social media usernames 
We may tag you in our marketing
If you have not delivered CPD with OTSA before please describe your experience of delivering training to adults
Event title (max 75 characters) *
Event summary 
A short summary of the event to grab peoples’ attention (max 140 characters)
Event description
A paragraph to describe the event – this is your opportunity to persuade people to attend so please be enthusiastic about your offer including describing how participants will benefit from attending
Facilitator biography
A paragraph about your professional background - we will use this in our marketing
Organisation Logo
Would you like us to include your organisation logo in our marketing? 
If your answer is 'yes', please ensure we have a copy of your logo, ideally with a transparent background. 
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Once you have submitted this form please could you send your company logo on a transparent background to info@otsa.org.uk? We will then add your logo along with the OTSA logo to the image on your event on Eventbrite.
Single event or programme? *
Delivery model *
Suggest dates when the event may take place or leave this section blank and we'll call you to discuss options
Event start time
Event finish time
Minimum number of participants *
Maximum number of participants *
Relevant phases and settings *
If this is a new event describe the roles for whom the event would be relevant, e.g. teachers, specific subject teachers, school leaders, senior leaders, teaching assistants, administrators etc

We will use this information to promote the event
Would you like this event to be recorded?  
Generally we do not record events for intellectual property and privacy reasons
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Event promotional video 
Ideally, we’d like a short video (max 2 minutes) to promote the event on Eventbrite and social media. However, this is optional and may be submitted later by emailing info@otsa.org.uk

If you do have a video, please add a link where we can download it
Pre-event materials

Are there any course materials (documents or audio/video) that you wish participants to have access to in advance of the event? 

If so, please email them to us at info@otsa.org.uk or enter a link where we can download them

If you work for a school, please confirm you have permission from your headteacher or chair of governors to deliver CPD in partnership with OTSA 
Will your invoice include VAT ? If 'yes', we will email you to discuss how we can work with you, as are unable to reclaim VAT from HMRC
I have read and agree with the terms of the OTSA CPD Delivery Agreement
OTSA / OTSH Privacy Notice
This privacy notice explains how we collect, store and use personal data about individuals we engage with regarding activities of OTSA and OTSH.   Click here to view our Privacy Policy.
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