Hal-Con Press Registration 2021
All sections with * are a required field.
Adres e-mail *
Full Name *
Day of Attendance Requested *
Number of passes requested for crew if required
Names of crew
Media Type *
Please describe your media organization and your audience. *
If web based (web page, blog or podcast), please describe your monthly unique visitors, update frequency and demographics.
If web based please provide links to samples of your work.
Please provide a brief outline of your intended coverage of Hal-Con. *
Were you approved for a Hal-Con Press Badge in a revious year? *
I understand that application for a Hal-Con Press Pass does not guarantee I will be accepted, and I will be notified of my status by the dates stated on the previous page.  By checking Yes, I confirm that I agree to Hal-Con's policies, outlined on our website here. http://hal-con.com/policies *
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Ten formularz został utworzony w domenie Hal-Con Sci/Fi Convention. Zgłoś nadużycie