Adult Learn To Golf
Every Thursday from May 7th to June 11th
From 6pm-7pm
price - $125 plus HST
REGISTRATION OPENS AT 12am on Sunday, March 1/2020.  Form cannot be filled out prior to.

**Once you have filled out this registration form,  you will be directed with a link to our on-line store to pay for the program.  Registration is not complete until payment has been received**

Connectez-vous à Google pour enregistrer votre progression. En savoir plus
Adresse e-mail *
Name *
Phone Number *
Do You Have Clubs? (if not, we will provide you with some) *
If you selected "no" to the question above, which dexterity of clubs do you require?
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Participation/Photo Consent. This signed consent form allows you to participate in the SCC junior golf programs.  I/we give our permission for pictures taken of my child to be used for promotional material. Email addresses will not be disclosed, for any reason.
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N'envoyez jamais de mots de passe via Google Forms.
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