Library Instruction Request Form
Please include as much information as possible and consider the Library’s Best Practices for Scheduling Instruction when determining your date preferences. After you submit, Kim Detterbeck, Instruction Coordinator, will reach out to you to discuss the details of your session. We anticipate being able to fully support remote and online classes, both synchronously and asynchronously. Your librarian will discuss options with you including Teams guest lectures, interactive worksheets, course guides, and librarian integration into Brightspace. Thank you!
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First and Last Name *
Email *
Course Name and CRN *
Ex: History of Printmaking 46423
Days and Time When Your Class Meets *
Number of Participants Expected *
Preferred Date(s) for Library Session(s) *
Please provide multiple dates, in order of preference.
Goals for the Session *
What do you expect your students/participants to practice or learn?
Instruction Format *
Check all that apply or select "not sure" if you would like to consult with a librarian before determining.
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