HIBIKI Forum Account Verification
To be a verified and approved member of HIBIKI Forum, please fill out this form.
In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
Email *
Referral (who referred you to the new forum) / Where you found out about HIBIKIForum *
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Social Media Accounts [Twitter/FB/Instagram/Tumblr/Discord/Blogs etc.] 
**(We will not approve registrations with dummy accounts from any of the listed sites. If you're not comfortable telling us your active social media accounts, then please do not continue your registration to the forum. Please note that we're requiring it only for our registration database and we uphold your privacy.)
Why do you want to join HIBIKIForum?
Please copy-paste: I promise not to hotlink, reshare, repost, reupload anything outside of HIBIKI Forum.
Thank you for registering in HIBIKIforum!
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