ICSN -Nutrition Questionnaire
This questionnaire will give me a general idea of what your nutritional goals are, what your recovery is like, approaches you have used in the past, and dietary restrictions.
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What is your long-term & short-term goal with nutrition? *
Why did you decide to contact a coach?
This will help me tailor the experience to you a little bit more. Did you come to learn, hit a brick wall? No answer is wrong here.
Was there anything you didn't like about previous coaches?
How old are you? *
What is your height? *
How often do you train? *
What nutrition strategies have you used in the past? How did they work for you?
Are there any nutrition restrictions that I need to know about?
What is your daily sleep like?
How much sleep do you get on average? Is it interrupted sleep? This plays into your recover factor and programming from me.
What do you do for a living?
If you would rather not disclose that is fine, what I'm looking for is to get an idea of how physically demanding your current job is.
Is there anything else we may not have covered but would like to tell me?
What date works best for you to discuss this form 1:1?
Best time for you?
Training/Nutrition Logs
If you have past nutrition logs please email them to: dalton@icstrength.com
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