Survey on the use of satellite-based services for disaster risk management in Bulgaria
With this survey, we would like to hear your experience on the integration and use of satellite-based services for disaster risk management.
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About your organisation

1. Organisation
2. In which country is your entity located i.e., the legal entity for which you work? *
3. In which geographic area are you operating?

Please select one or more answers 
4. In what type of organisation do you work?

Only one answer
5. In which field/s do you operate? *
6. Could you please quantify the number of employees working in your department and/or in your organisation?
7. Could you please indicate the percentage of employees on total staff that identifies itself as woman? 
Clear selection
8. In your opinion, how innovative the sector in which you operate is? 

9. Which kind of data would you need to improve your work?

(Please elaborate on this) 

10. How familiar are you with the Copernicus Emergency Management Service? *
11. What do you think are the main needs of the sector in which you operate, for it to be even more innovation-driven?

(Please elaborate on this)
12. Which is the disaster risk management phase for which you would need more data or enhanced location/communication services? 

(Please specify for each phase which kind of data/services you would need).

12a. Mitigation
If other please specify

12b. Preparedness

If other please specify
12c. Response *
If other please specify
12d. Recovery  *
If other please specify
13. If you replied to the question above, please specify which kind of support would you need if you were able to receive the enhanced data/services from satellites.
If other please specify
14. Have you ever used or thought about using satellite navigation/ location-based services, imagery, or satellite communication within your organisation?

If yes, please go to the next question. If no, please go to question 15

14a. When did you start using the satellite-based service?

Please provide the year
14b. Do you still use it?
Clear selection

14c. How did you first hear about the satellite-based solution you are currently using?

Please select one or more options

15. Why don’t you use  such services?

Clear selection
Your satellite solution

16. Which application/s do you use?
17. The satellite-based service you are using is:
Clear selection
18. Did the satellite-based service replace a previous system to carry out the same task?
Clear selection
Motivations and framework under which you adopted the satellite-based service  

19. What made you consider using a satellite-based service?

20. Why did you prefer a satellite-based service to other available technologies?

Please select one or more options


21. Did you adopt the satellite-based service while participating to a demonstration project?

Clear selection

22. Who is the provider of the satellite-based service you are using?

Please select one or more options

Clear selection

Costs of adopting and using the satellite-based service


23. How was the initial implementation or adoption of the satellite-based service financed?

Please select one or more options 

Clear selection
24. Please, specify what kind of external funds were used.
Clear selection
25. What percentage of the organisation's annual budget did the initial investment to implement the service represent?  
Clear selection

26. What percentage of the organisation's annual budget does the cost to operate and maintain the service represent?

Clear selection

Challenges for your organisation

27. When first adopting the satellite-based service you are using, what have been the most significant challenges for you? 

28. How did you solve these challenges? *
29. Do you think it will be a challenge to keep using the satellite-based service in the future?
Clear selection
29a. If yes, could you say why?
30. Which of the following do you think would be helpful to adopt a satellite-based service?

Benefits resulting from the use of the satellite-based service


31. Did you make any formal assessment of the quantitative benefits resulting from the adoption of the satellite-based service?

Clear selection
32. What benefits does the satellite-based service have for your organisation?

32a. If you save money, could you quantify the amount on an annual basis?

Monetary savings to perform the same tasks, as compared to a previous system or lack of

Clear selection

32b. If you save time, could you quantify the amount on annual basis?

Time savings to perform the same tasks, as compared to a previous system or lack of

Clear selection

33. Do you share the satellite-based system, or the satellite-based information, with other departments/units or institutions? 

Clear selection
Future Technology Path

34. Do you have plans to integrate additional satellite-based services?
Clear form
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