Research Questionnaire
Dear Sir/Madam
These questions are related to my research work, and your timely answers will help me complete the task timely. Your feedback data will be used for research purposes only and not be shared with anyone else. I humbly request you to kindly spare 05 minutes to contribute to the LIS domain through my research work. The entire research is related to the Automation of libraries in India.
Thanking You
Vinod Kumar Mishra
Assistant Librarian, NIT Rourkela
Mobile: 9439420860
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Name of the respondent *
Name of your Firm
Phone/Mobile number
01. For how many years have you been providing koha support services
URL of website
02. Please tick those data you migrated successfully in the new ILMS?
03. The lack of some terms and conditions in the agreement with the previous ILMS/RFID Vendor created a hurdle in smooth migration to the new system. *
04. Please choose the problems faced in migration due to lack of some terms and conditions in previous ILMS agreement. Rank them according to your preference
Rank 01
Rank 02
Rank 03
Rank 04
Rank 05
It was difficult to export the data in MARC format
The database was not as per the community standard
The database and other data access was locked
If Library is having RFID issues with it’s integration support in new ILMS
Any other reasons not mentioned here
Clear selection
05. Would you please mention software/tools/Techniques you used for data migrations from current ILMS to New ILMS? *
06. Mentioning specifications of essential standards, terms and conditions in the tender documents would always ensure the successful migration of ILMS data and RFID in future. *
07. In agreement document with the RFID vendor, there must be a clause to support RFID integration in case of a change of ILMS. *
08. Any feedback or suggestions if you want to give?
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