eCademy 8th Grade Summer School PE 2019-2020 Parent Request Form
Parents, Counselors will register your student based on your markings below. Please sign in to ParentVue to pay your invoice. Remember that your student’s registration will be dropped if your invoice is not paid in FULL by the dates indicated above.

Thank you so much for your patience regarding this year’s Summer School PE. It’s been quite a ride! Please give your counselors several days to get the registrations done. There is a learning curve, but we are up for the challenge. We will absolutely get your student registered if you fill out the above form.

Best –

Margaret and Cheryl
E-pasta adrese *
Today's Date *
Name (First and Last) of 8th grade student to be registered for summer PE: *
Student APS ID# *
For which summer PE semester would you like to register your student? (you may select one or both): *
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