Thank you for your interest in attending THE ROOM Ribbon Cutting and Open House! 
Please fill out the information below to RSVP. We look forward to meeting you on Friday, October 25, 2024.  
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1a. Organization type: What type of organization do you represent? Please select the category that best describes the organization type that you represent:
1b. If other: Please specify what organization/occupation best describes the type of organization you represent. . 
2a. Your Organizational Role/title:  Please select the role/title that best describes your role at the organization you represent: *
2b. If other, please list your organizational role/title.
3. First Name: *
4. Last Name:  *
5. Email Address: (Please provide the best email to reach you for event updates.) *
6. Phone Number 
(In case we need to contact you about the event.)
8. How did you hear about THE ROOM Open House? (Optional)  

9. Any questions or concerns you'd like to share with us before the event? (Optional)
(Leave a comment here):

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