PJMF - JournaPilot Prototype Tester
Thank you for your interest in participating as a tester for the PJMF Data Solutions team's first AI prototype, JournaPilot! Please take a moment to fill out the following form to express your interest.

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Contact: Full Name *
Contact: Email Address *
Contact: Phone
Background: Where do you work? (Please specify your organization and role) *
Technical Proficiency: On a scale of 1 to 5 (1being low, 5 being high), how comfortable are you using digital tools and applications? 
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Availability: How much time are you willing to dedicate to testing our prototype demo per week? (Please specify hours/weeks)
Preferred Devices: Which devices will you use to access the prototype demo?
Expectations: What do you hope to gain from participating as a tester for our prototype demo? 
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