Cross Country Registration
2021 XC Season, $115 includes uniform* before August 11th $140 August 11th or later.
*We will accept new athletes up to two weeks into the season, but since uniforms have already been ordered (I did order some extras) late registrants may be given a different style uniform.

Optional T-shirt-add $15
Optional Hoodie-add $30

Practices will be Mon/Wed from 4:30-5:45 starting on Monday, Aug. 16th. UGA Intramural Fields will be our primary practice venue with some practices at our NEW Cross Country Course off of Chase Street. Weekend and weekday competitions begin the end of August. Visit: for more details.
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Pay by Venmo @SiriusAthletics or mail check to: 180 Best Dr., Athens, GA 30606
Athlete First Name *
Athlete Last Name *
Street Address *
City *
Zip Code
County *
Gender *
Date of Birth *
Cell/Primary Telephone *
Secondary Telephone
School *
Grade *
Parent/Guardian's Name *
Parent/Guardian Name
email address *
Uniform Top Size *
Uniform Short/TIght Size *
Optional T-shirt (add $15)
Počisti izbor
Optional Hoodie (add $30)
Počisti izbor
Počisti obrazec
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