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OSHC Feedback Form
The OSHC Committee welcome your feedback on any matters relating to the hockey club and suggestions for improvement.
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Please provide your e-mail address if you would like a written response.
You may leave this question blank if you prefer to provide your feedback/suggestion anonymously.
Your answer
Please give your feedback or suggestion(s) below. These could relate to training, playing opportunities, social, communication etc.
Your answer
We'd like to know your overall opinion of the club. (optional)
1 = Very poor
2= Poor
3 = OK
4 = Good
5 = Very good
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If you scored OSHC either
1 or 2
above, could you briefly tell us why?
(Unless this is covered in your feedback above)
Your answer
Would you recommend Sils to family/friend/colleague who wanted to play hockey?
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If you answered 'No' above, please tell us why you would not recommend Sils?
(Unless this is covered in your feedback above)
Your answer
If you would like to volunteer to help at Sils hockey club, or know someone who does, please provide your e-mail below and we will contact you to learn more.
Your answer
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