Tech & Skills Assessment
Welcome to the technical and skills assessments for We Design Co. Please complete the following tests and provide the required information and screenshots' URL to demonstrate your capabilities as a virtual assistant.  
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Email *
Name *
First and last name
IQ Test
Complete the Classical Intelligence Test at 123test IQ Test. 
Please paste the screenshot's URL of your IQ test result.
Language Proficiency: Grammar Test
Assess your grammar proficiency by completing the test at Grammar Level Test
Please paste the screenshot's URL of your grammar test score.
Listening Test
Evaluate your listening skills by taking the Listening Level Test
Please paste the screenshot's file URL of your listening test score.
Technical Setup Overview

Please paste the screenshot's file URL for your primary and secondary PCs or devices below.  
Primary computer specs.

Backup computer specs.

Primary and Backup Internet Speeds

Conduct speed tests for your primary and backup internet connections using Speedtest by Ookla and please paste the screenshot's file URL of each below.

Primary Internet Speed


Backup Internet Speed

Video Introduction Using Loom

Create a brief video (2-3 minutes) where you introduce yourself, discuss your previous work experience, and highlight the industry in which you excel. Mention “We Design Co.” in your video. Paste the Loom link below. 

Paste the link to your Loom video here.

CV and Portfolio
Do not forget to attach your resume and portfolio 
Email it to after submitting the Google Form.
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