Distributor Application Form
Thanks for your interest in distributing Good Judy products.

Due to the overwhelming requests from prospective distributors, we've created this 25 question form to help determine whether we're a strong fit for one another.

Please note: all information shared will only be for internal use.
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Company name *
What is your current team size (ownership + employees)? *
What is your annual revenue? *
Years in business *
Website *
Name *
Position at company *
Email *
Phone number *
What city are you located in, and what territory are you looking to sell in? *
Which product groups are you interested in? *
Are there any new products you'd like us to make for you? If yes, what are they? *
What dollar range would you spend for your first order? *
What dollar range would you spend with us annually? *
How long does it take to fulfill the average order? *
What is your current refund policy? How do you handle lost packages? *
Do you currently sell products containing petroleum plastic? *
If you do sell petroleum based products, are you willing to be plastic free? If so, by what date? Please be specific (month, year). *
What's your current advertising strategy? How would the Good Judy brand be incorporated into that? *
How will our product line fit your existing portfolio of products? *
What's your current average margin on the products you sell? *
Are you willing to sign and NDA with us? *
Are you willing to sign a non solicitation agreement (in perpetuity) that pertains to our manufactures? *
Can you share a few success stories about similar, non-competing products you have sold? *
Since we prefer these relationships to be a true partnership, what questions do you have for us? *
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