Muddy Paws Dog Boarding and Obedience School
Grooming Questionnaire
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Owner Name *
Address (street, city, state, zip) *
Phone number *
Email address *
Pet name *
Pet's date of birth *
Type of pet *
Weight *
Sex *
Spayed/Neutered *
Breed *
Color/markings *
Veterinarian name *
Veterinarian address (street, city, state, zip) *
Veterinarian phone number *
Veterinarian email address
Has your pet been professionally groomed before? *
Has the groomer identified any problem areas? (if applicable) *
Do you groom your pet at home (bathing, brushing, nail trims, teeth, ears, etc)? *
How often do you groom your pet at home?  *
Is your pet friendly toward people? *
Has your pet shown ANY signs of aggression toward a person or other animal? *
Describe the aggression (if applicable) *
Has your pet EVER bitten a person? *
Describe the situation (if applicable) *
Does your pet have any sensitive areas? *
How does your pet react when these areas are touched? (if applicable) *
Is your pet's fur matted or tangled? *
Please describe the areas (belly, back of legs, etc) matted and to what extent? (if applicable) *
Is your pet scared of the dryer? *
Do you have a shampoo preference?  *
May we give your pet treats? *
Is your pet comfortable in a crate? *
Does your pet have any of the following medical conditions? *
Does your pet have any of the following behavioral conditions? *
Is there anything else you feel we should know about your pet?
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