8th Grade Elective Requests
You are completing this if you will be an 8th grader at Early Light Academy next school year, 2022-23.  Rank your top five elective courses for A day and B day.   You will receive courses within in your top five, so please choose wisely.  Do not duplicate courses requested.  If you do not complete this or fill it out incorrectly, your courses will be selected for you.  
What is your name?  Last Name, First Name
Select your #1 Choice for an A-day elective.  Electives are in alphabetical order. *
Select your #2 Choice for an A-day elective.  Electives are in alphabetical order. *
Select your #3 Choice for an A-day elective.  Electives are in alphabetical order. *
Select your #4 Choice for an A-day elective.  Electives are in alphabetical order. *
Select your #5 Choice for an A-day elective.  Electives are in alphabetical order. *
Select your #1 Choice for a B-day elective.  Electives are in alphabetical order. *
Select your #2 Choice for a B-day elective.  Electives are in alphabetical order. *
Select your #3 Choice for a B-day elective.  Electives are in alphabetical order. *
Select your #4 Choice for a B-day elective.  Electives are in alphabetical order. *
Select your #5 Choice for a B-day elective.  Electives are in alphabetical order. *
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