JECA Open House Registration
Please register for JECA's K-12 Open House, to drop-in on October 24, 2024 between 8:00 and 11:30 AM.
Jonathan Edwards Classical Academy is located at 4479 Jackson Rd, Whites Creek, TN 37189
Please call our office at (615) 876-7291 with questions. 
For more information about JECA go to  See you soon!
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Parents' First and Last Name(s) *
Phone Number *
Address (City/State) *
What church do you attend? *
What is your student's Name, Birthdate, and Grade they are going into? 
Ex.  Laura Ingalls, 01/01/2020, Kindergarten
(separate multiple students with a semi-colon)
How did you hear about JECA? *
If a JECA Family invited you to this Open House, please provide their name here.
Comments/Anything else we should know?
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