Church of St. Martin: 2022 Ministry Interest Survey
Welcome to the 2022 Episcopal Church of St. Martin Ministry Survey! The Stewardship Committee, the rector, and several lay ministry leaders have collaborated to develop this survey as an invitation to St. Martin’s parishioners to consider what other gifts – alongside the financial gifts that are pledged so generously each fall – we each have to offer.

In the pages below, you will find information about a variety of ministry areas that are co-created by and depend upon the participation of members in order to flourish and to benefit not only our St. Martin’s community, but our local, regional, and global communities, as well. Additionally, we are asking that you share your current contact information so that we are able to update our church directory in order to effectively be in touch with one another.

We hope that filling out this process is first and foremost a reflective process of discernment for each of us. We ask you to prayerfully consider both what you have to give to the following ministry areas, and also how participation in these aspects of our church’s life might enrich, deepen, and expand what you receive through engaging in worship. In making this invitation, we name and acknowledge our collective volunteer ministry as gifts no less crucial to the vibrant life of St. Martin’s as our monetary pledges.

Please note that “checking a box” is not making a commitment to that ministry! It is simply acknowledging your interest and your willingness to learn more and talk with someone about it. We fully understand that you might want to learn more about lots of things before you decide where to put the time and energy you have in this season of your life. We invite you to find a quiet moment and read through the survey, respond as you are called, and return the survey to the Stewardship Committee, either by completing the Google Form or by dropping off your hard copy to the Church office by May 16th.

With gratitude and in prayer for peace, hope, joy, and love for us all –

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