【報名已結束】                                                         感謝各位支持!現工作坊名額已滿!               工作坊身體圖式:「身體的探索」工作坊 報名                                  Body Schema: An Exploration of Body Workshop Application
 楊小芳將於7月10-14日舉行個人展「身體圖式」,並透過展覽將更多對身體美學的思考帶給社會大眾。展覽附設體驗工作坊,參加者將透過不同體驗環節,進一步探討及感受自己的「身體」, 重新定義及重組對「身體」的認識。

*工作坊日期 & 時間:
第一節:  7月14日(日)上午 11 時 -下午12時30分
第二節:  7月14日(日)下午 2時 - 3時30分
*地點:香港藝術中心10樓1012 課室 (灣仔港灣道2號)
*工作坊帶領者: 楊小芳、韓詠怡
*活動費用:免費  (名額有限,先到先得)

The solo exhibition of Yeung Siu-fong, named 'Body Schema', will be held from 10th July 14th July. The exhibition will bring to the public some extra thinkings and discussions about body aesthetics. The exhibition provides two sessions of workshops for the public. The participants can have a different experience in the workshop which will inspire them to further discover their bodies and feelings. This will finally lead them to redefine and reconstruct the knowledge of body.  

Workshop Date & Time:
Session 1: July 14 (Sun) 11 am - 12:30 pm
Session 2: July 14 (Sun) 2 - 3:30 pm

Venue: Room 1012, 10th Floor, Hong Kong Arts Centre (2 Harbour Road, Wan Chai)

Workshop Facilitator: Yeung Siu-Fong, Hon Wing Yi, JP
* The workshop will be conducted in Cantonese.

Fee: Free admission. (First come first served!)


Iniciar sesión en Google para guardar lo que llevas hecho. Más información
中文姓名Chinese Name *
英文姓名English Name *
性別 Gender *
手提電話 Tel *
電郵地址 E-mail *
聯絡人姓名(如有) Contact Person (If any)
聯絡人電話  (如有) Tel of Contact Person (If any)
參加人數 No. of Participants *
身體狀況(如有) Physical Conditions (If any)
如需要特別安排(如手語傳譯),請註明:If you need special arrangements (e.g. Sign Language interpreter), please state:
參與時段 Choose the Session of Workshop *
參加者注意事項 Participants' notices
1. 本活動歡迎16歲或以上人士參加;
2. 每次報名最多限填2人;
3. 報名結果以主辦方最終確認信為準;
4. 參加者請於本活動開始前預先自行參觀位於香港藝術中心3樓實驗畫廊之《身體圖式》展覽;
6. 因活動場地有限,本會將保留工作坊最終參加者人數的權利

1. This workshop welcomes participants aged 16 or above only;
2. Each application only accept a maximum of 2 participants;
3. When registration is successful, a confirmation letter will be sent to the participant (by email);
4. Participants are encouraged to visit the exhibition of the ‘Body Schema’ on the 3rd floor of the Hong Kong Arts Centre before going to the workshop;
5. Photo shooting is not allowed during the workshop;
6. Due to limited space, ADAHK reserve the right to determine the final number of participants in the workshop.

本人已細閱並接受報名表內的所有條款及細則。I understand, accept, and agree to all terms and conditions in the form. *
申請日期(日/月/年) Application Date(D/M/Y) *
請覆核資料正確,按下「提交」後將不能返回報名表格 Please double check all information is correct , you will not be able to return to application form after submission.
查詢 Enquiry  
香港展能藝術會 Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong
吳小姐 或 張小姐  Ms Ng or Ms Zhang
電話 Tel:2855 9548  傳真 Fax:2872 5246  
網頁 Website:www.adahk.org.hk 
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