AltLayer Ambassador Program
Elastic scaling solution for Web 3
Prijava v Google, če želite shraniti napredek. Več o tem
E-poštni naslov *
What is your name? *
What is your discord ID? *
What languages do you speak? Let us know your proficiency in the respective languages. *
Let us know if you have built a large following on twitter/youtube/tiktok, or if you have contributed to other projects in the crypto space. *
How do you think you can help expand & grow the AltLayer community? *
Let us know if you have anything else that you would like to share with us.
Kopija odgovorov bo poslana na e-poštni naslov, ki ste ga navedli.
Počisti obrazec
Nikoli ne pošiljajte gesel prek Google Obrazcev.
Ta obrazec je bil ustvarjen v domeni Alt Research. Prijavite zlorabo