Slow Food East Bay Leadership Team Application
Thank you for your interest in joining the Slow Food East Bay (SFEB) volunteer leadership team. As the local chapter of the global Slow Food movement, we are on a mission to ensure Good Clean and Fair Food All, balancing the celebration of joy and deliciousness while also working for a healthy, accessible and just food system.

As noted in our recruitment announcement (, we're searching for a group of passionate and dedicated folks to step forward and work together to lead SFEB into the future.  You will be responsible for being the on-the-ground ambassadors for Slow Food, building bridges to the great work happening in our local food community and helping us be active in ensuring a Good Clean and Fair food system.

More information about positions, time commitments and expectations are available upon request. Questions? Concerns? Email 

Please fill out the form below anytime before SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 11th and we will be in touch to schedule a time for an exploratory conversation.
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number *
What inspires you to work with SFEB? *
How did you hear about SFEB and the Slow Food movement? *
Tell us about your relevant food experience and/or employment (send a resume if you prefer: We welcome you to include classes & workshops taken, paid or volunteer work, professional & community affiliations and hobbies; anything to help us learn a bit more about you! *
As a place-based local chapter of a global movement, our focus is working with our region and the communities within it. Tell us about your connection to or experience with community in the East Bay. *
Which of the specific roles we're asking for are you interested in filling?
Which of the following areas of expertise or life experience will you bring to your work with SFEB? (choose one or more) *
If you answered 'Other', please tell us a bit more.
Which Working Groups most interest to you? (choose one or more) *
If you answered 'Other' please tell us a bit more.
Do you have a vision for a project or partnership you'd like to work to bring to fruition with SFEB?  If so, feel free to tell us a little about it.
Do you have any questions for us as we consider your application?
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